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St Clement's High School

Latest News


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  • Stars of the Week

    Published 28/01/16

    Congratulations go to our new Stars of the Week!!

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  • Royal Marines Visit

    Published 28/01/16

    The Royal Marines came to St Clements High School on Tuesday 26th January to give an open practical session to our GCSE PE Students to experience the fitness aspect of training to be a Royal Marine.  Students had to show their strength and stamina as the Royal Marines put them through their paces during a physical drill session.  

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  • The Queen Mother's Handwriting Awards

    Published 25/01/16
    Would you like to take part in Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother’s Handwriting Awards - Entries Close - 9am Monday 27th June 2016
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  • Putting Maths to the Challenge

    Published 18/01/16

    Congratulations go to Lucas, Bradley & Louise who all achieved 3rd place for their year group in the Maths Mastermind Challenge on Thursday 14th January at KLA.

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  • Year 10 ASDAN MacMillan Donation

    Published 15/01/16

    Students from Year 10 Asdan class presented a cheque for £100 to King’s Lynn Macmillan Information and Support Centre.

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  • Stars of the Week

    Published 14/01/16

    Well done to our Stars of the Week - keep up the good work!!

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  • Harry Potter Opportunity

    Published 12/01/16

    As part of our Super Learning Day, the English Department is delighted to announce that we are taking Year 7’s to Harry Potter World for a tour of the studios on Thursday 24th March 2016. 

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  • Stars of the Week

    Published 08/01/16

    Well done to our first Stars of the Week in the new term !

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  • Christmas Stars of the Week

    Published 18/12/15

    Our End of Term Stars of the Week are:

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  • Our Latest Newsletter is Here!

    Published 15/12/15

    Our November / December Newsletter is now available to view.

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  • Supporting King's Lynn Food Bank

    Published 15/12/15

    Students in key stage three at St Clement's High School were very pleased to support King's Lynn Food Bank again for the 2nd year running. 

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  • Stars of the Week

    Published 11/12/15

    Congratulations go to our fabulous stars of the week!!

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