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Knowledge Organisers

Homework is an important part of the curriculum for all students.  Whilst structured homework in Key Stage Three (Years 7-9) will be set occasionally by subject teachers, students will be required to complete weekly tasks set by their maths teacher on Hegarty Maths (or relevant online learning platform), record their independent reading and develop their study skills using our termly Knowledge Organiser booklets.

We expect students to spend five hours a week studying one to two subjects or completing assigned tasks from their subject teachers. Students are required to record the subject they have studied each day and we request that parents/carers counter sign the record.  This should help students study a balance of subjects and provide an opportunity to discuss knowledge gained.

The Knowledge Organisers will be supplemented in school by a focus on different study and recall methods.  Subject teachers will conduct regular low-level testing with students to aid their recall and assess understanding of subject knowledge.  

Students are expected to bring their Knowledge Organiser to school every day as it will be checked regularly during form time and you will be regularly tested on the knowledge contained in the booklet during lessons and through quizzes on Satchel One or other platforms.  

Please click on the links below to view the current Knowledge Organiser for your year group: