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We aim to ensure every student is challenged to achieve their best at all times by consistently providing engaging lessons which stretch students.

Key Stage 3

Students are taught in ability sets for our core subjects of English, Maths and Science in years 7, 8 and 9.  Students are grouped in Year 7 using their SAT grades and information shared from their primary teachers.  These groups are reviewed at the end of the academic year and in Year 8-9 additional assessment data and teacher observations are used to group the students. 

In all other subjects, as listed below, students are taught in mixed ability groups.

  • Art
  • Citizenship
  • Computing
  • Drama
  • Design and Technology
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Religious Studies

Personal, Social, Health and Economic education [PSHE] is taught alongside Careers education during tutor time and as part of the DT rotation.

Key Stage 4

All students follow courses in English, Maths, Science and PE. The curriculum is supplemented with statutory requirements of Religious Studies and Personal Social Health and Education.  Students are required to pick four additional subjects to study. All students must choose either Geography or History and most students are required to study a language. The final two/three additional subjects can include any of the following subjects:

  • Art
  • Asdan
  • Business Studies
  • Catering & Hospitality
  • Citizenship
  • Design Technology
  • Drama
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • ICT
  • Physical Education
  • Photography
  • Music
  • Religious Studies
  • Spanish