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Pastoral Care

The concept of pastoral care can be simply summarised as the care and well-being of each child.  At St Clement’s High School, we want to ensure an outstanding climate for learning through supportive pastoral care which complements our academic and extra-curricular offer.

It is important that our young people feel happy, supported and cared for in order to achieve their best in the classroom. We believe that our Pastoral System provides the support and guidance that students need at each stage of their educational journey at St Clements, from Year 6 transitioning into Year 7 right the way through to Year 11 and preparing for post sixteen education.

Form Tutors

Each morning students begin their day with their Form Tutor for Registration. This daily time is spent either in Assembly or following our tutor programme during which tutors and students build a positive relationship - ordinarily, a student’s form tutor will stay with them as they progress through Years 7 to 11.

Form Tutors monitor student planners, school uniform and attendance as well as discussing behaviour and attendance (both positive and negative) with the members of their form group.

Heads of Year and the Pastoral Team

In addition to their Form Tutors, students can also access support from our experienced Pastoral team.

The Pastoral Officers are non-teaching members of staff, enabling them to be available to students, parents and external agencies during the school day. They monitor student wellbeing whilst also helping to support academic progress.

Each year group is led by a Head of Year as shown below.

Miss D Waterman
Head of Year 7

Mrs E Cawston – Year 7 Pastoral Officer
Tel: 01553 825919

Mr M Reynolds
Head of Year 8

Mrs R Fisher
– Years 8&9 Pastoral Officer
Tel: 01553 825910

Miss J Towler
Head of Year 9
Miss D Bird
Head of Year 10

Mrs K Street – Years 10&11 Pastoral Officer
Tel: 01553 825930

Mr S Bailey
Head of Year 11

External Support

As well as members of St Clement’s High School staff, we also have support from external agencies, who offer support to students that need extra help with a specific focus; they also work with the students’ families if it is felt necessary.

These professionals include general counsellors, bereavement counsellors, social workers and many others, who are specialists in their fields, and can offer more tailored support.

Students and/or parents can request to see one of our external partners via the Pastoral Officers.