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Homework is an important part of the curriculum for all students. It provides valuable opportunities for extension, reinforcement or preparation work and also encourages independent learning. Teachers enter the homework on the site Satchel:One (formly Show My Homework) so that students and parents can see what work has been set and when it needs to be submitted. 

Please click here to visit Satchel:One, you will need to login to see your son/daughter's homework that is set for them specifically.

Key Stage 3

Homework is an important part of the curriculum for all students.  Whilst structured homework in Key Stage Three (Years 7-9) will be set occasionally by subject teachers, students will be required to complete weekly tasks set by their maths teacher on Hegarty Maths (or relevant online learning platform), record their independent reading and develop their study skills using our termly Knowledge Organiser booklets.

The booklets contain the core knowledge of everything learnt at school each term, independently studying this content will help students to learn and understand what is being taught in their lessons.  This works on the principle of ‘sticky’ knowledge; the more students know and can recall, the better the new knowledge will ‘stick’. These booklets will also develop good study habits for a lifetime of learning.

We expect students to spend five hours a week studying one to two subjects or completing assigned tasks from their subject teachers. Students are required to record the subject they have studied each day and we request that parents/carers counter sign the record.  This should help students study a balance of subjects and provide an opportunity to discuss knowledge gained.

The Knowledge Organisers will be supplemented in school by a focus on different study and recall methods.  Subject teachers will conduct regular low-level testing with students to aid their recall and assess understanding of subject knowledge.  

If a subject teacher feels it appropriate to set additional homework to the Knowledge Organiser it will be relevant to the curriculum and a suitable task with a clear outcome.  The time allocated to the students for this will be instead of their Knowledge Organiser, the suggested time will be clearly shown on Satchel:One (or relevant homework platform) and be in line with the timing allocated on the Knowledge Organiser for each subject over a fortnightly period.  Low-level testing may also be set as homework using a range of homework platforms such as, but not limited to: Satchel:One, Seneca and Educake. 

Teachers enter all homework on the site Satchel:One so that students and parents can see what work has been set and when it needs to be submitted.  Students can sign in to Satchel:One using their Google login (school email and password).  Parents are issued with an individual login which allows them to see homework that is set specifically for their son/daughter. If these details are lost please email  Students and parents can access the School Homework Calendar without logging in – they will be required to filter the school calendar down into year groups and subjects.

Google Classroom may be used as a platform to collect electronic homework (but all assigned tasks will be published on Satchel:One).

Homework provides valuable opportunities for extension, reinforcement or preparation work and also encourages independent learning.  The consequence for missing a deadline is shown in the School’s Behaviour Policy.  

Key Stage 4 

Students in Key Stage Four in line with their syllabus requirements, subjects will set weekly Homework for each subject.