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If you wish to discuss a particular subject of the curriculum, then the Subject Teacher or Head of Department is the person to contact.  Appointments can be made through the front office. Other matters which are particularly serious or sensitive, you may prefer to contact the Pastoral Support Officer on account of their experience in handling such issues.

St Clement’s High School has introduced a new intuitive and easy to use online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments. We are confident this will be an improvement to the previous system and welcome any feedback.

Before the event, you will be written to by the Head of Key Stage and requested that you login to and create an account.  Appointments can be automatically generated for yourself based on the time-scale you allocate and the teacher’s availability, alternatively you can select each teacher individually.

For further support, in accessing our Virtual Events please click here.  If this hasn't helped please do get in contact with the School and speak to the relevant Key Stage Leader. 

In addition to these verbal reports we provide reports, which allows parents to track the progress of their son or daughter.  These reports can only be accessed through the internet by logging on with your password through the Parent App.  Each grade is based on an assessment carried out by each student in each subject every term.  These reports should form the basis of any conversation with your child’s form teacher at parent’s consultation evenings.   Form Tutors will have a learning conversation with each pupil when each report is published and the main points of this conversation will be emailed home to keep you informed of your child’s progress. If you have any difficulties in accessing our Parent App please contact our data manager Mrs Bottone,

We strongly encourage all parents and pupils to attend the Parents’ and Pupils’ Evening.  Quite apart from the increased understanding of the pupil which we gain from listening to the parents, pupils are shown that their parents consider their progress in school to be important and that their parents and teachers are working together to promote their development.  There is a proven link between parents’ regular visits to Parents’ and Pupils’ Evenings and their children’s success in school.  Coming into school for even one evening per year is a strong investment in your child’s future in a world in which educational achievement is increasingly important to young people in their lives after school.