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Duke of Edinburgh Award

DofE Co-ordinator M Reynolds
Telephone Number: 01553 828648
DofE Login eDofE

“The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has helped countless young people on their sometimes difficult path to adulthood.” 
HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

For the past seven decades, the charity has inspired and transformed the lives of millions of young people from all walks of life. From volunteering to physical activities, life skills to expeditions, achieving a DofE Award is a passport to a brighter future, valued by employers and universities.

What is Duke of Edinburgh About?

The Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) programme is a real adventure from beginning to end. It does not matter who you are or where you’re from. You just need to be aged between 14 and 24 and realise there’s more to life than sitting on a sofa watch­ing life pass you by.

By doing your DofE, you're in for an amazing adventure and masses of fun as you take part in a range of activities, all leading to the achievement of an award that's recognised by universities and employers alike.  

For more information about DofE within West Norfolk Academies Trust and St Clements High School  click on the links below:


If you are interested in taking part then please contact:

Ms J Spurrier 
St Clements  High School  Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator

DUke of Edinburgh  @ St Clement's High School 

If you are interested in taking part then please contact:

M Reynolds
St Clements High School Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator

Award Levels and Timescales 

There are three levels of programme you can do which, when you've successfully completed them, lead to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

The main differences between them are:

  • The minimum length of time it takes to complete them,
  • How challenging it is 
  • The minimum age you can start - Depending on your age, you are free to start at any level but most people prefer to try for Bronze and work upwards.  There are age restrictions for each one so it makes sense to build yourself up rather than dive in at the deep end.
Bronze for those aged 14+ years 
Silver for those aged 15+ years
Gold for those aged 16+ years

St Clements High School runs both the Bronze and Silver Awards

The tables below show the minimum timescales for achieving the Bronze level. We've put the length of time in months. You need to show regular activity and commitment during this time averaging at least one hour a week.

You can't achieve an Award in a short burst of enthusiasm over one weekend!

Benefits of a Duke of Edinburgh Award

The benefits of achieving a DofE Award at any level are endless.

It’s difficult to list them all but, you should definitely know:

  • how much fun you’ll have
  • how pushing yourself to do new things will help you to grow in confidence and develop useful skills.
  • how meeting new people will inspire you and lead to lasting friendships. And
  • how a DofE Award can give you the edge when you apply for college, university or a job.

Simply, the DofE is about helping you along the path to a productive and prosperous future. As many of our participants say, it’s life-changing. 


Watch videos about making the most of your DofE Award.

Also included are promotional videos of how to showcase your soft skills on your CV, job applications and at interviews.

Click on one of the links below to view:

DofE and Coronavirus


The coronavirus doesn’t mean your DofE needs to stop – far from it. 

For more information please click on the link below  





The four High Schools of the Trust are all licence holders and deliver the Duke of
Edinburgh’s Award through individual licences reporting directly to Central Region
Duke of Edinburgh Award Office.
To view the Directed Licenced Centre Agreement please click hereor contact the
St Clements DofE Manager, M Reynolds.