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Career Opportunities

Careers Leader: Ms S Wagstaff

Telephone Number: 01553 828648


Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance 

To view the CEIAG Policy click here.

Rationale for Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

CEIAG makes a valuable contribution in the preparation of students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life by enabling them to make informed choices for post 16 education and training facilitating a successful transition from mainstream education to further education and employment. Key student outcomes:

  • Supported to achieve their full potential
  • Empowered to plan and manage their futures
  • Provided with comprehensive information on all options
  • Aspirations raised
  • Equality, diversity and social mobility promoted and stereotypes challenged
  • Enabled to access Post 16 opportunities that will allow them to sustain employability and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives

Purpose of Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

St Clement’s High School is committed to the provision of career learning and development enabling it to fulfil its statutory obligations and meet the eight Gatsby Benhcmarks. It supports the school’s overall vision and is linked to the Whole School Development Plan. Governors and senior leaders have a key role in developing and approving the policy and this process ensures a high profile and a secure place for CEIAG within the school curriculum. As a school we plan to fully meet the eight Gatsby Benchmarks by July 2020.

Commitment of Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

St Clement’s High School is committed to providing all students a comprehensive, planned programme of careers based education activities and experiences throughout their whole school life. Year 9 and Year 11, being key transition points, provide opportunities to access impartial information, advice and guidance to enable informed choices to be made, To maximise the benefits for the students, St Clement’s is committed to a whole school approach involving parents, carers, external providers, employers and other local agencies.

Careers Leader: Ms S. Wagstaff

Careers leaders are responsible and accountable for the planning and delivery of the agreed school programmes. This role works closely with our Head of KS3 and Head of Year 11 to ensure effective provision across all year groups. All parents and carers are able to contact Ms. Wagstaff directly on the email

Provider Access Statement


This document sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997. 

Pupil entitlement 

All pupils in years 7-11 are entitled: 

  • to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point; 
  • to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events; 
  • to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses. 

Management of provider access requests procedure 

A provider wishing to request access should contact Mr Luke Feaviour

Telephone: 01553 828648

Opportunities for access 

The school offers a comprehensive CEIAG programme and an overview of this programme can be seen in the School’s Headline Careers Plan which can be seen on the school website. 

Please speak to our Assistant Headteacher - KS4 Achievement Coordinator to identify the most suitable opportunity for you. 

The school will make a suitable space available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available ICT and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Leader or a member of their team. 

Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature with the Careers Advisor so that they can be displayed in the Careers Section of the school library.

Careers Newsletters

To follow in due course

Impact Measurement, Assessment and Destination Data

For the academic year 2021/2022 we are introducing the Future Skills Questionnaire which has been designed so that student views can help shape and evaluate our careers programme to ensure that they are supported to make informed choices about their next steps after school or college. These will be completed in year 7 (Starting Secondary), years 8 and 9 (Transition from KS3) and years 10 and 11 (GCSE Years).

St Clement's High School - Post 16 Destination Data - Class of 2021

  2021 Analysis for Norfolk
Cohort 120 %
Full Time Education 107 89.2% 91.12%
Full Time Training 0 0.0%  
Apprenticeship 9 7.5% 2.85%
Employment with Training 0 0.0%  
Working towards participation 0 0.0%  
Temporary Break 1 0.8%  
Employment without Training 2 1.7%  
Not settled (not active) 0 0.0% 1.36%
Not settled (active) 1 0.8%
Unknown 0 0.0%  
Top 5 Destinations      
  Number %  
College of West Anglia 69 58%  
Springwood High School 21 18%  
6th Form/College outside of Norfolk 12 10%  
Apprenticeships 9 8%  
King Edward VII Academy 5 4%  


Labour Market Information (LMI)

Labour Market Information (LMI) is at the centre of effective CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance). It is impossible to encourage students to realise their aspirations and plan an effective pathway to achieve their chosen career without an understanding and awareness of the labour market. 

LMI is available by region as shown on  the information below gives a summary of Employee Jobs by Industry 2020 for King's Lynn and West Norfolk. This shows the two largest employment sectors are Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Vehicles and Motorcycles at 18.5% and Human Health and Social Work Activities at 16.7%

Labour Market Profile - King's Lynn and West Norfolk


Careermap’s Careerometer is a live and interactive tool that gives up-to-date labour market information (LMI) to support discussions on careers. The tool also allows comparing and contrasting LMI on two different job roles.


St Clement's High School uses Careermap's Careerometer as part of its CEIAG programme to help meet Gatsby Benhcmark 2 - Learning from Labour Market Information and Gatsby Benchmark 4 - Linking Careers to the Curriculum

Useful Websites

The following websites have lots of useful information about a whole range of industries and future careers alongside up to date LMI.  You can also use Unifrog which is our in school resource and take the Buzz Quiz


Top 10 Future Jobs

Buzz Quiz



We are establishing an Alumni network and will ask members to contribute to Career activities in many different ways. We would love to hear from you if you are interested in joining the Alumni and helping our current and futures students take their next step.

To register with the St Clement's High School Alumni click here.

Alumni Focus

We wanted our students to understand how past students viewed their time at SCHS and what advice they would give to help them make the most of their time in school and the pathways that took them to their current career.  

Headline Career Plans

Please click on the links below to view individual year group Career Plans:

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11


All year groups will have access to:

  • Members of our Alumni for professional mentoring or further career information
  • Underpinning programme of Essential Skills development via Skills Builder to enable them to gain and improve transferable employability skills
  • World of Work lessons within their PSHE Curriculum

Work Experience

Click the box below to view Work Experience options available:


Post 16 Educational Pathways 

Please click on the links below for further information on the options available:

What's your next move - Post 16 Options

Talking Futures - Parents' and Carers' Careers Information - a guide to careers post-16


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An apprenticeship offers a young person the opportunity to move into paid employment and study to gain industry recognised qualifications at the same time. 

Amazing Apprenticeships: Parent and Carer Packs

Amazing Apprenticeships supported by the National Apprenticeship Service provide regular information packs to provide the most up to date information for parents and carers. They aim to guide you through the system and dispel some of the myths and misconceptions that surround apprenticeships.

Apprenticeship Information 

Amazing Apprenticeships: Understanding Apprenticeships

This is a short film produced by Amazing Apprenticeships to give you an insight into the apprenticeships available and being an apprentice.

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Careers and Apprenticeship  opportunities can be viewed on the HelpYouChoose website ( and also on the Archant Jobs24 site ( – look under Job Search by Type: All Apprentice Jobs.

The Post 16 Application Process

Click on the link below to view how to search and apply:

Help You Choose Application Process 

Employer Information 

St Clement's High School are very keen to engage with businesses and employers. This link will help to inform and educate our students about both local and national employment opportunities widening their exposure to new and growing employment sectors and thus raising aspirations.

The development of this will directly link with Gatsby Benchmark 5 - Encounters with Employers and Employees and Gatsby Benchmark 6 - Experience of Workplaces

We would like to work with employers to increase and improve our opportunities to interact with students, these currently include Futures Days, Careers Fairs, presentations, assemblies, work experience and small group Q&A sessions

If you would like to get involved, or wish to advertise any apprenticeship vacancies directly to the school, then please contact the Careers Leader on 01553 828648 or email