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Student Life

On arrival at St Clement’s students find a friendly but disciplined environment where the teachers take the time to know the students as individuals. In recent years many students have come to our school from outside the catchment area so they arrive knowing very few or no other students, they tell us that the supportive nature of the school helped them to settle in quickly and they soon made new friends.

The teachers will always expect students to work hard and strive to be their very best. The school offers a wide range of activities to support each student’s development alongside their academic progression.

The school has been fortunate to offer a unique programme of trips ranging from local field work in Geography to long haul flights to New York and Japan. In the new academic year we are extending our range of visits with the inclusion of a trip to Iceland. There are many opportunities for students to take on additional responsibilities; each tutor group elects representatives to sit on the student council. In year 10 students apply to become prefects and our Head and Deputy Head Prefects are elected from this group. Students with a sporting interest work towards becoming Sports Leaders, a role in which they earn the much coveted sports leaders tie. Multiple opportunities exist across all subjects for students to represent the school in further competitions such as the Spelling Bee, the Debate Club or the Technology Challenge.

At some point in their school career many students find they need additional support to help them successfully navigate through a personal or academic issue. Here they may turn to their tutor, a member of the pastoral team or their Key Stage Leader. All adults in our community are very keen to support the students as they progress through the school and ensuring that every student knows who they can turn to for support is a key part of the culture of St Clement’s.