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The vision for our department is to ensure all students are successful in school (results, knowledge acquisition and skills) and equipped for life after school (confident, resilient, tolerant and with an inquisitive & enquiring mind). As well as this, we intend to develop a knowledge base, love, intrigue and passion for History that lasts a lifetime. We believe we have a duty to ensure students can make sense of the present both at home and abroad. We believe that through History, our students can be inspired by individuals as role models, particularly in addressing areas they feel passionately about.

We have an ambitious, challenging and engaging curriculum that we feel will offer our students the best understanding of why we are where we are in the current world from a global-centric view as well as how world events have impacted on Britain.

Our curriculum has common themes throughout which will allow our students to relate and compare, this will then ultimately allow them to make judgements. As well as this thematic facet of our curriculum, we have a clear, cohesive and logical chronological schema with very explicit connections throughout both in terms of content and themes.