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Computing Curriculum

Cross Trust statement of intent for Computing

We are using an inspiring curriculum which has been collaboratively designed to prepare learners to be keen problem solvers. In order to achieve this we are delivering skills within logic and computational techniques such as decomposition, algorithms and abstraction. We are also demonstrating how data is processed through an introduction to binary and the use of logic gates.

Within the current lifestyle, learners need to be proficient, efficient and safe users of technology. Similarly, they need to be aware of the uses of technology within the world of work and its impact on society. Through an understanding of target audiences and purpose, learners will apply skills and become good digital citizens recognising the importance legislation has whilst trying to enforce these British values.

Within topics such as hard coding there will be a progression between applications e.g. HTML within a website developer such as Serif WebPlus to block coding in Scratch leading to command line in Python.

There will also be progression across years e.g. in year 7 visual outputs will be used for example the turtle in Python to Year 8 where command line is dominating. As learners are taught in mixed ability sets by tutor groups their diversity of interests, abilities and aspirations will be addressed through the interspersal of digital literacy, ICT and Computer Science units to maintain enthusiasm and prepare learners for informed options choices. There will be a constant recap and embedding of core knowledge expanding as the year progresses using knowledge rich techniques.

The curriculum has been shaped to embed skills, cover the breadth of the national curriculum and over time narrowing the content to allow for depth of knowledge. Skill building has been designed to be cumulative building on previous skills and developing acute decisions of choice in problem solving situations.

We believe no learners will be excluded from choice due to the variety of units studied and the teaching styles adopted by staff. All case studies are gender neutral and tasks utilise open source software wherever possible so all students are able to access our curriculum

We signpost appropriate pathways and career routes within our subject for all our learners.

The curriculum supports some aspects of RSE (Relationships, sex and health education) such as sexting and the use of social media during the e safety unit. British values are addressed through the ethos of becoming good digital citizens and PSHE is evidenced throughout the curriculum whilst addressing the varied skill base and problem solving opportunities.

Computing Scheme of Work 



The National Curriculum for Computing aims to ensure all pupils:

  • Can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation.
  • Can analyse problems in computational terms and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
  • Can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies analytically to problem solve.
  • Are responsible, competent and creative users of information and communication technology.


Studies are enriched with opportunities to attend a weekly coding club organised by Year 12 Computer Science specialists. This leads into the opportunity to participate in competitions such as “Scratchoff” organised at UEA, inter Trust competitions and hopefully Bebras competitions.



The National Curriculum for Computing aims to ensure all pupils have the opportunity to study aspects of information technology and computer science at sufficient depth to allow them to progress to higher levels of study or to a professional career:

  • Develop their capability and knowledge in computer science, digital media and information technology
  • Develop and apply their analytic, problem solving, design and computational thinking skills

Understand how changes in technology affect safety, including new ways to protect their online privacy and identity and how to report a range of concerns.