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Year 7 Maths - KS2/KS3 SATs

The Maths Department analysis of the KS2/KS3 SATs paper.

The Maths Department has carried out an analysis of the KS2 SATs paper students sat at the end of Year 6. This has provided the Maths department with a number of topics that we are covering during the first few weeks in Year 7. Topics that affect the majority of the class will be gone through by the class teacher to ensure that any misunderstanding or misconceptions are addressed and corrected. Topics that affect a minority of students and relate to the Year 7 Scheme of Work will be strengthened during the lessons.

Enclosed with the letter that went out to parents, is a spreadsheet showing the questions where full marks were not achieved and where they were not attempted, the N represents a question that was not answered. The Maths Department are recommending that you could spend some time at home looking at and practicing these questions with your child. We recommend that you use any KS2 resources that you may have at home, or use the website . Additionally, the Maths department run after school support sessions on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 3pm and 4pm.

Copies of the three KS2 SATs papers can be accessed by clicking on the attachments below:

..\KS2 papers 2016\2016_ks2_mathematics_paper1_arithmetic_PDFA.pdf

..\KS2 papers 2016\2016_ks2_mathematics_paper2_reasoning_PDFA.pdf

..\KS2 papers 2016\2016_ks2_mathematics_paper3_reasoning_PDFA.pdf


If you have any queries regarding your child’s mathematical education, please feel free to contact Miss Turner, Head of Mathematics.