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PE Presentation Evening - 30th June 2016

St Clements held their 6th Annual Sports Presentation Evening on the 30th June and were  privileged to have Bob Champion, MBE as the guest of honour. 

The evening celebrated the many individual and team success throughout the academic year both in curriculum time and during the extensive extra-curricular programme.

The audience of students, parents, carers and invited guests were treated as Bob Champion gave a real insight into his rise to fame, his battle against cancer through to his historic win at the Grand National and subsequent involvement with The Bob Champion Cancer Trust.



It has been a very successful year with the school competing in 15 different sports, winning West Norfolk competitions in badminton, angling, netball & tennis. Sport Relief saw the school community really pull together through a variety of different events and raising a staggering £2,009.99.  In lessons, we have introduced archery, rock climbing and enrichment activities to compliment the programme that runs throughout the year. The Sports Leader Award provides both challenge and opportunity for students in Years 10 & 11, along with aspirational visits to Loughborough University and large sporting venues.

The evening saw a number Awards presented. Highlights included;

  • Sportswoman of the Year; shared between Jess Alder & Bryony Pack and Sportsman of the Year; Alfie Bobbins. All three students perform at County level in their chosen sport, represent the school in at least six different sports, have Full Sports Colours, Level 2 Sports Leaders and are excellent role models.
  • School Team of the Year; shared between KS4 Girls & KS4 Boys Badminton Teams who both won the County Championships and the Angling Team who won the Active Norfolk County Angling Final
  • Top Sports Leader; Girls; Louise Watson and Boys; Charlie Rudland. These two students have led a number of sessions and activities to a very high level both in school and in our feeder primary schools
  • Top GCSE Practical Award was shared between Paul Defty & Sam Thorpe. These two students are forecast to obtain maximum marks for the practical aspect of the GCSE PE qualification
  • Contribution to School PE & Sport; Jess Boxall, Annabel Brown & Alec Marshall. This Award is given to those students who dedicate their time no just to playing sport, but to coaching, officiating and running events
  • 14 students obtained their Full Sports Colours; these students have already obtained their Half Sports Colours and were awarded to all students who represent the school in four different activities this academic year

    The school also recognised the contribution made by the outgoing Year 11 students. Five students were singled out for the significant contribution they have made during their time at the school;-


  • School Sports Captain & Sportswoman of the year 2015
  • Represented the school in six different sports
  • Coached regularly and officiated at West Norfolk badminton tournaments
  • West Norfolk  & Norfolk County Badminton winner
  • Level 2 Sports Leader Award


  • Nominated and shortlisted for the KLFM Sports Awards, category SUPPORT IN SCHOOLS - Runner Up
  • School Sports Captain
  • Represented school in five different sports
  • Coached and officiated football
  • Year 9 high jump record holder
  • Level 2 Sports Leader Award


  • Represented school in five different sports
  • Coached regularly and officiated at West Norfolk badminton tournaments
  • Represented West Norfolk in athletics, fishing, rugby, badminton
  • County Champion at athletics, badminton
  • Joint winner of Sportsman of the year 2015
  • Level 2 Sports Leader Award


  • Represented the school in eight different sports
  • School Sports Captain & Sportsman of the Year 2015
  • Officiated at West Norfolk badminton tournaments
  • Represented West Norfolk in badminton, aquathlon, cross country
  • County champion in badminton
  • Regional biathlon competitor
  • Joint winner of Sportsman of the Year 2015
  • Level 2 Sports Leader Award
  • Forecast full marks for GCSE PE PRACTICAL


  • Represented school in eight different sports
  • School Sports Captain & Sportsman of the Year 2015
  • Coached regularly and officiated at West Norfolk badminton tournaments
  • Represented West Norfolk in table tennis, badminton, rugby
  • Represented County in rugby, badminton
  • Hold school records in 400m & long jump
  • Winner of the Victor Ludorum for an unprecedented three successive years
  • Forecast full marks for GCSE PE Practical
  • Joint winner of Sportsman of the Year 2015
  • Level 2 Sports Leader
  • Forecast full marks for GCSE PE PRACTICAL

An excellent year’s work by all at St Clements High School!!!