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Rwandan Genocide of 1994

Year 9 students have been looking in detail at the Rwandan Genocide of 1994 and were incredibly fortunate to have a survivor with an amazing story to come and talk to us.


Illuminee suffered great personal tragedy during the Genocide but survived with some real courage. Illuminee escaped Rwanda with her new born son Roger who has grown up in Norwich and is an aspiring rapper and actor. Overall, we have been very privileged with her visit and pleased with the raising of awareness of the most horrible of events in Rwanda’s history.

The students commented after Illuminee’s visit on how life changing this was hearing how she used all of her will power and courage to survive, “It made me realise that I can do what I want”. I think for me, the most powerful message to come out of this visit was that we can all make a difference and stop hate and bullying at all levels by simply standing up and doing the right thing. I’d like to finish this piece by reflecting on another point Illuminee made, “No one will ever come and do things for you [just give your dreams to you], you have to want it, and do it for yourself!” – If we can’t be inspired by Illuminee and her story, then nothing will!                           Mr Modica

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