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Autumn 2021 exam series

Guidance Notice

If you don’t feel that your exam grades reflect your ability you have the option to take GCSE examinations in the autumn. There will be no charge for these exams unless you fail to turn up to them without good reason. Details of any adaptations to exams for this series can be found on the relevant exam board websites.

Please note that these are formal, public examinations and all JCQ rules and regulations will apply. Further guidance can be found in the DfE’s Student Guide to Awarding – summer 2021.

To be entered to for the Autumn exams complete the entry form below and return it to the Exams Officer, Miss Rice, by Monday the 20th of September. Entry confirmation, timetables and exam information will be sent to the address provided on the form in due course.


Autumn 2021 Exam Entry Form