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Internet Safety Day

Tuesday 9th February 2021

While using technology can provide hours of education and important social opportunities for children and young people during this period, it does need to be used in a safe way. Internet Safety Day (9th February 2021) is designed to remind all on how to use the internet safely. This is the theme of KS3 virtual assemblies this week, with a follow-up optional lockdown challenge on their year group Google Classrooms.  

The following websites are recommended for parents and carers;

NSPCC Online Safety  Recognise it can be hard to know how to talk to your child about online safety. From setting up parental controls to advice on sexting, online games and video apps, they can help you to understand the risks and keep your child safe.

ThinkuKnow Presentations - Provide short videos for parents and carers, from improving cyber security, to guides to social media and in-game chats).  

ThinkuKnow Online Safety Activities Provide 15 minute activities for families to complete together, a great conversation starter to give more insight to how the internet is used by those in the family home