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Urgent information regarding the start of the new term

January 2021 - as at 31.12.2020

Following the Government announcement on 30th December 2020,  we wish to confirm the latest changes to the staggered start of term.

Monday 4th January -  School closed to all students.

Tuesday 5th January -  On-line learning starts for all students.
Government guidance states Year 11 must be the priority for our on-line learning resources so we will focus our “live” lessons on them during this first week.

Monday 11th January -  Year 11 return to school. On-line learning for all other year groups.

Monday 18th January -  All students return to school.

From Tuesday 5th January places in school are available by prior agreement for children of keyworkers and those considered vulnerable. This has already been arranged for Years 7-10 with confirmation letters emailed out yesterday. Should any parent or carer of a Year 11 student require a keyworker/vulnerable child place, please email as a matter of urgency.

On-line work will be set via google classroom. Please do let us know if you are struggling with access to the relevant technology and we will do our best to support you.

In adding a further week to the staggered start the Government has two intentions. Firstly to limit interactions and help slow the spread of the virus, secondly to allow schools to plan for the mass Covid-19 testing of students as soon as possible. We will start with tests for those keyworker and vulnerable students with consent who are in school. Thank you to all those people who have volunteered to help with the testing programme, further information about the testing will be published early next week.

In the week beginning 4 th January the school will have only a minimal staff on site, please direct any queries you may have to the office email listed above.

Thank you for your understanding as we navigate through these difficult times. The many kind messages of support we have received are greatly appreciated. I’m sure we all hope the New Year signals the beginning of the end of this virus, may 2021 be a better year for all of us.

N Willingham