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Students are Celebrating Excellent GCSE Results

Students at St Clement’s have been celebrating some excellent GCSE results.

Nearly three quarters of students achieved Grade Four and above in English and Maths with over 10% also securing Grade Seven and above. Our highest performing girl was Elizabeth Wood and the highest performing boy was Harry Preston.

Other students celebrating good GCSE results included Matthew Bocking, who is now going on to study a diploma in professional cookery, and Kaitlyn Masters, who is going on to study a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Nursing

Headteacher Nigel Willingham said: “The grades achieved reflect the hard work of our students during their whole high school career. We are very proud of them and we are delighted to see them secure results which enable them to move on to the next stage of their education."

Chairman of the Governors, Malcolm Wood added: “Our GCSE students and their teachers have experienced a unique set of circumstances this year and they have worked very hard to achieve their exam results. Staff, families and students should be congratulated on coping with a year none of us could have predicted.”