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Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership

See Something, Hear Something, Say Something Campaign

These are difficult times and families are under huge amounts of pressure - we are here to help If you hear something or see something that makes you feel worried about a child living nearby, please say something.

Additional information and help for students can be found below:

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS
First Response Tel: 0800 196 3494

A 24/7 service for people of Norfolk and Suffolk requiring mental health care, advice and support

West Norfolk Carers
West Norfolk Carers are still here for telephone support. There are running Zoom online meetings for young carers and young adult carers and support on their Facebook groups. 

They are still taking referrals for all unpaid carers and families and will support them by telephone, and can also signpost to volunteers who can help with shopping, prescriptions etc.

Telephone 01553 768155