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Year 6 Open Day

Thursday 26th September 2019

The staff and governors at St Clement’s High School are pleased to invite year 6 students and parents to attend their Open Day and Evening on Thursday 26th September. Headteacher Mr Willingham explained, “These are always busy days but we love showing people around our school. The day tours give parents and students the opportunity to see the school in action during a normal day, while the evening session gives visitors the chance to speak to staff and students and see the work of each subject area.”

The school was inspected in 2017 and rated good in all areas. The inspection report particularly praised the induction arrangements for new students stating, “The support for pupils who arrive in year 7 is a strength of the school.” The report also states that pupils enjoy the atmosphere of the small, caring community. The pastoral support team is considered to be a strength of the school with parents reporting that communication with the pastoral team is excellent when they raise concerns or need help or guidance. Pupils told the inspectors that staff “go the extra mile” to support their academic and personal needs.

The school is part of the West Norfolk Academies Trust, which also includes Springwood High School, Marshland High School and Smithdon High School. The four schools regularly work together to provide experiences a single school may not be able to offer. St Clement’s is keen to promote a wide cultural experience and offers regular visits abroad to France, Germany and New York. During the summer holiday a group of students spent four weeks in Borneo with Camps International and in October this year a group of students are visiting Japan.

Art and Drama are a great strength of the school. The students put on a Drama performance in the town theatre each year and the annual Art exhibition is always well attended. This year sees the opening of a new Food Technology catering room following a significant investment. The school operates a traditional approach to behaviour which is rated good. Staff encourage students to get involved in the running of the school and the student council has been successful in the bids to have the student toilets refurbished and their aim of reducing plastic use across the school.

During the open evening the Headteacher will give an introductory talk at 5.30pm and again at 6.30. The school has been oversubscribed for several years and there is a waiting list for students wishing to join the current years. However due to a drop in the birth rate for the current year 6, the school is likely to be able to offer some places to students from outside the catchment area for September 2020.