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GCSE Success

St Clement’s High School is delighted to report that for the third consecutive year the results have improved, giving the best GCSE results in the school’s history. This year the school achieved 57% 5+ GCSEs A*-C including English and Maths, an improvement of 7% on last year. Both English and Maths achieved their best ever results..

Three students deserve a special mention for achieving straight A grades; Olivia Cooper and Joel Campbell each achieved three A* grades and six A grades while Amy Thorpe achieved an incredible seven A* grades and three A grades.

Headteacher Nigel Willingham said “We are very proud of our students and staff who have worked extremely hard to achieve these results, congratulations to all our students for achieving this historic result”

Ed Weightman Chair of Governors said  “ Congratulated all pupils and staff on the best ever GCSE results obtained in St Clements High School’s history. Well done all.”

Nigel Willingham


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